Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Reading: Reading Notes: Reading B (Week 3)

Bharata finds Rama at Chitrakuta
. (from blog, link in bibliography)
Reading B Notes:

Bharata is seeking Rama and tries to get him back to the city (he is in the forest at this point). These brothers hugged each other when they met up and the next morning, Bharata explained to Rama that he was asking for forgiveness for his own mother's sin. Rama exclaimed, "Please, be forgiven. There will be no more thought of this."

Jabali is the counselor of Dasharatha and asked Rama why was his understanding small and why he would proclaim his allegience to a dead person. He spoke of the joys being cast away from his life and wasting would play a huge part in his life.

Rama became angry. "Okay Jabali, I get you but your teachings are false. A good man does good deeds, unlike a bad man. So how could I ever do bad? I do good things."

Bharata said if it pleased Rama, then he should stay in the jungle for another fourteen years. 

Rama said he did not remember the commands of Dasharatha shifting.


Indian Epics: Images and PDE Epics, Laura Gibbs,

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