Thursday, January 18, 2018

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset,

I have not heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before, although her voice surely sounds familiar. I learned about it for the first time in this class. I see myself growing in the face of "get the best grade" or "get an A or you're not smart". I have learned to let go of that, especially now going into a field that is less based of grades and more based off of who I am connected with and how well I can express my opinion or perspective on a topic. I do, however, still tend to look at anything not an "A" as a negative thing. I associate "A" with "good, perfect, excellent" and "B" or "C", etc with "failure, not good enough, lacking". I can definitely relate to the aspect of my life in traveling. When I spent time in Haiti, I noticed the more released I was from this idea of perfection in performance. Of course I still learned and grew in discipline, but it was for a greater purpose rather than to just be perfect for some far off reason. I definitely will be interested in the growth mindset and will be consciously thinking of how I can better grasp this idea of being a praiser in a healthy way. I definitely want to walk more in grace and excellence, because of my love for the Lord and for people. I've noticed I tend to seek after perfectionism when I live for myself solely. 

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