Wednesday, January 17, 2018


My friends Malise, Sonson and Huguens in Tilagonove


My name is Marla Duvall. I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma. I am studying Human Relations and will graduate this May. Currently, I am a normal college student who is crazy passionate about a lot of things. I love the country of Haiti and have been multiple times, long-term and short-term. I also love Oklahoma (this one didn't happen until this year). I hate injustice and have already dedicated my life to fighting injustice at all costs. Specifically, I have begun fighting human trafficking here in OKC/Norman area. I want go into the non-profit sector and be an advocate for human trafficking victims and survivors and see them freed from this modern-day slavery. I also am huge on fighting for minority's rights. Oppression is something I have hated hearing about and it grieves my heart daily to hear this happens to so many people. I used to fight the grief, but now I use grief as a force to push back the darkness I see in my community and around the world. I am a Christian, and because of the Lord's love in my life, I have been called to fight injustice, even on the hard days. I am never perfect at what I do and by no means could ever do it alone, but I am confident that every second of effort is worth it. 

I love yoga, hiking, reading, hanging out in coffee shops and bookstores, supporting local businesses, and eating plant-based. My love language is quality time so just any time with friends and family fills my heart. I love spending time in Downtown OKC and in the Wichita mountains. Outside of Oklahoma, I love skiing in New Mexico and Colorado. I have a lot of friends in different states and they graciously have let me come see them and showed me their home states. I have a love to travel and taste new food, have new experiences.

Currently I work on curbside at a restaurant and have since I started college. I am about to start an internship at a local non-profit. I help out with the 1st and 2nd graders at my church and it is actually the joy of my week. They are so much fun. I also am apart of an awesome community group here in Norman that is linked to my church.


  1. Marla, nice to meet you! I am a senior graduating in May as well. Props to us! :) It is amazing how passionate you are about Haiti and fighting human trafficking here in the OKC/Norman area. I have always heard Oklahoma is a hotbed for the activity due to the highways, though I am not sure if that is true. Best of luck this year in your schoolwork and passions!

    1. Hi Blake! Wow I am excited you are graduating also! Thank you for your encouragement! I actually got started in fighting human trafficking in OKC because I heard about the activity due to the highways. When I started training, I learned that the highways actually have little influence on trafficking. Most trafficking goes on within the city and most of the time, happens within the home. I was shocked when I learned this. Best of luck to you in your studies and last semester!

  2. Hi Marla! Congratulations on graduating soon in May, that’s so exciting! That is so cool that you have gone to Haiti multiple times. I have always wanted to go on mission trips but my summer and winter breaks have always been packed with work. I admire your passion and kind heart to want to fight injustice in any way that you can.

    1. Thank you, Rosa! I am thankful for your kind words. If you ever want to hear more on missions, even if it's not in Haiti, please don't hesitate to reach out! I love that you have the desire to go!

  3. I am so glad you are able to use your time in college to work on projects that are really important to you, Marla! As you can guess, there is a long history of the struggle for social justice in India, and maybe you will want to use this class to learn about that. Gandhi was devoted to Rama and to the "Ramanama" (the name of Rama); although we will never know if it is historical fact or not, many believe that "Oh Rama" were his last words, and you will see those words on the Gandhi memorial in Delhi: Gandhi Memorial (the gold letters in the front say "Hey Ram"). If you want to read more about Gandhi and Rama, or about Gandhi and the tradition of ahimsa (non-violence) in India, those would be great topics for this class. For example: Ramanama, by Mohandas K. Gandhi (written in 1933).

    1. I so appreciate this information and these thought-out references. I have studied Gandhi some in high school, and am excited to dive more into his life and what he did to push back injustice in India. I hear he was an incredible man who strove for peace in every area.

  4. Hey Marla! I am impressed about how busy you keep yourself! I think it is awesome how passionate you are about making a difference in the world and your community. I think we should all try to make a difference in one matter or another. I also think it is cool how you have gotten to go to Haiti a few times. I've never left North America but I plan to do traveling one day. I wish you the best on your last semester here at OU and hope you enjoy this class!

    1. Thank you, Gavin! I am thankful for your kind words. It gives me hope when I hear others agree in making a difference and being the difference as well. I hope you get to travel outside the US some day! I'm a huge believer in traveling abroad. Have a great semester as well and enjoy this class!

  5. Hi Marla! So cool that you keep busy with all your travel and with all the help you do in other places that need it. I was curious by one thing you mentioned when you said you eat plant based, does that mean that you are a vegetarian, vegan, or just that you like to eat plant based foods more so than you would enjoy something like a steak or burger or even a turkey sandwhich?

    1. Hello! Thank you for your kind words. I am mostly plant-based because I believe our bodies are meant to consume more plants than any thing else. I do include a minimum amount of meat in my nutrition. I studied in a class that it is important to have heme meats. I try to stick to grass-fed beef/chicken as much as possible. Thanks for asking! I could talk about nutrition all day haha

  6. Hi Marla! Congratulations on graduating in May that's awesome! You have definitely kept busy while in college, and it's great to see that you have been active in doing what you love. Reading about the human trafficking that goes on is horrible, but seeing people like you fighting back against it makes it feel like there is hope. Good luck on your internship this semester!

    1. Thank you, Trace! Good luck on your semester and with this class as well! :) I appreciate your encouragement and receive it in full.

  7. Hi Marla, must be exciting to be graduating in May! So cool that you're passionate about fighting human trafficking, I know it's a bigger problem than it should be and people need to know how bad it really is. My mom is actually part of a group back in my hometown that fights human trafficking down in Houston, so I know why you're so passionate about it. Oklahoma is great too, I just started loving it as well and there are so many cool little things about it that I never noticed before. Good luck on post-graduation!

    1. Thank you, Tib! I so appreciate your words. That's awesome that your mom is passionate about fighting human trafficking too! I would love to hear about that organization more. I'm open to learning about any and all geographic areas affected, because they all are. Also glad you are loving Oklahoma! I used to be so bitter about all the things are wrong with it but now that I've learned to let that go, it's so much better. Thank you for sharing and good luck in your semester!

  8. Hi Marla, it is so cool that you have been to Haiti! I have always wanted to go there. I think that it is awesome how passionate you are about injustice and human trafficking. This is a serious problem and needs to be handled and you seem like the kind of person that could help out the issue. I look forward to getting to know you this semester!!

    1. Hi Brandon, you should definitely go to Haiti! The intentionality of the culture and people there are something I think we miss out on a lot here in the US. Thanks for your kind words and look forward to getting to you as well!

  9. Hi Marla!

    Wow! I loved reading your introduction! I have a feeling you are going to thrive in whatever you do. Your passion to serve and help others is amazing and I can relate to that, I have volunteered at the center for abused women in OKC and know that people can be left with physical and emotional scars from tramatic events. Your dedication to serve in the non-profit sector is great, my future plan someday is to start a non-profit. Also, it is very neat that you have gone to Haiti multiple times, it's on my list of places to volunteer and I hope I can do it sooner rather than later. I cannot wait to see what adventures your stories will take on!

  10. Hi Marla! I am planning to graduate in May too! I cannot wait to graduate; However, I do have a few more years of school left before I can start my job, but nonetheless, I am excited! I really liked reading your discussion and I love how you have a heart for giving back to the community! I want to open a non-profit clinic in my family's hometown in India. Giving back to the community and helping others is what I am passionate about! Good luck with your final semester and I look forward to reading your stories!

  11. Hello Marla!

    Early congrats on graduating in May; you are so close! That's awesome how you've been to Haiti many times. What is your favorite thing about visiting there? I really admire your passion for fighting injustice. During my freshman year, I joined Enactus, a group that raises awareness for human trafficking, which is a huge problem right here in the US. Anyway, good luck with your career! I look forward to reading your stories.

  12. Hi, Marla! Congratulations on making it to senior year!! How amazing that you have so many passions, and how special that they are all so relevant and IMPORTANT. Keep fighting for what is right. I love skiing too! It is one of my favorite pastimes. I just finished an internship with little ones. Im certain you will love it as much as I did!
