Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Reading Notes

"Shiva catches Ganga as she descends." (taken from the blog on Ramayana Story of Ganga, see in bibliography)

Thoughts/notes on text:

The King is Sagara. I think it's interesting they don't give a reason for his lack of offspring, but I assume the issue is infertility. And the fact that his consorts also longed for offspring, so they all traveled together to find austerities. The mother would after a hundred year give birth to a son (Asamanja) and the other wife would have 60,000 sons. Wow.

The story goes on to tell about a horse sacrifice and a horse rescue of some sort for the sons. The horse is stolen so the sons go to find it. Kapila was in the horse and destroyed them all when they found the horse. The sons are dead so the king sends his grandson after them. Of course, he find their ashes. Sagara ended up dying after 30,000 years of reigning. Ganga ended up dying and entering the underworld where the sons dwelled. They were lifted up toward heaven.


Gibbs, L. (1970, January 01). Indian Epics: Images and PDE Epics. Retrieved January 31, 2018, from http://ouocblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/pde-ramayana-story-of-ganga.html

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