Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Favorite Place

Week 1

My favorite place is Titanyen, Haiti (or really just Haiti in general). I first visited here on a mission trip in August of 2015. I instantly knew I had to spend more time here. I came back in May of 2016 for three months and served as an intern at Mission of Hope in Titanyen. I came back in March of 2017 for a week and back again to intern this past May for three months again. I am super passionate about showing people outside of this country the hope and beauty that grows daily in Haiti. I think people tend to look at Haiti as just a poor, helpless country. I would disagree. Haiti is rich in more than money. I actually feel more joy and contentment there than I do back in the US at times. Haitians are incredible people. They have the biggest smiles, the most giving spirits and have the hardest work ethic you could find. Some of my best friends are Haitians and I love them dearly, but honestly they love me way better. I actually had a friend name his daughter after me and that was the highlight of my life.

I could go on forever, but Haiti is amazing. Everyone should experience it. Here are some of my favorite pics of my favorite people.


  1. Oh wow, how great that you have spent time in Haiti, Marla! And what beautiful pictures. One of my college friends was from Haiti. I was very sad when I read in the news just a couple of weeks ago that she had died (she was just my age...!). She was a well known anthropologist, a practitioner and scholar of Vodou; here is an interview with her: Rachel Beauvoir-Dominique interview. Her love for her country was profound, and she taught me so much about Haiti!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Haitian friends are such a gift and I know you will miss her. I will look into her interview for sure. I have two friends who are voudou priests and would be interested to hear Rachel’s perspective.

    1. Thank you, Marla! I wondered if you knew any voudou priests. Rachel's father was Max Beauvoir; sadly, he died very recently also, in 2015. There is an article about Max at Wikipedia; he was the Supreme Servitur and National Ati:
      Wikipedia: Max Beauvoir

    2. Wow, I can’t imagine. That must be so hard for their family. I will be looking into that article as well! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Marla, what a great post! Thanks for sharing these great photos, they are awesome. And wow, what an honor to have a friend name their daughter after you. As for me, I honestly do not know much about Haiti, so I appreciate you sharing about your experiences there and working to education others on the culture and people there. I really admire that!
