Friday, February 2, 2018

Topic Brainstorm Post: week 2

Lightbulb sparking the topic! from
Topics for Brainstorming for Project:

1) Music
Hanuman Chalisa
I thought about using music for a project because music has been a huge part of my life for most of my life. I also have realized I love other languages, no matter if I understand or not. Especially in song are these languages really brought into what I like to say, they're fullest potential of revealing the utmost beauty. I listened to Hanuman Chalisa, the goddness of wisdom. I would love to study her more and understand more of the stories that go along with her life and help me learn the translations so I can strategically study the reason behind her songs.

2) Horses

A pair of horses, taken from
This topic also ties back to my childhood. When I was younger, all I wanted in life was a horse. I was a huge fan of the American Girl doll, Felicity, who owned her own horse at a young age. I would be intrigued to find out how horses play in the religious aspect, as well as the cultural aspect of India. I believe horses have always been known to have spiritual powers and can really discern situations well. I wonder if that might be an option in learning during this project. 

3) Women of the Ramayana

Women of Ramayana, taken from

I would specifically like to study family roles in the lives of these women. It seems like the lineage of women has a lot to do with the affects of women of Ramayana. I would enjoy pressing more into these small details I know and digging into facts and foundational information. I personally want to advocate for women in any way I can. If studying in this area of women of Ramayana will help make that happen, I would be honored to do so. 

4) Yoga

Yoga on the beach, taken from
Last summer I began practicing yoga while in Haiti. We found it extremely enjoyable and useful during the early mornings before the weather got too hot. I remember anxiety being released from my heart and mind. I remember the peace it brought. I still practice yoga at least once a week at home, and though it may not be in the Haitian mountains overlooking the ocean, I can still appreciate practicing in my room with the early morning light coming in while listening to worship music. I am thankful for all that yoga has done for me, and excited to learn about how it originated. I love the gentleness of the activity and that is it so easy for everyone to make it apart of their life, in a big or small way.

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