Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Reading Notes:Narayan's Mahabharata, Part D

Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part D
Arjuna and Krishna
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Krishna will have to go to Hastinpura on behalf of Yudhishthira. Dhritarashtra hears about Krishna coming and longs to give him the ultimate celebration on behalf of his visit. Vidura knows that Krishna only desires peace and justice rather than a celebration and tried to explain this to the king. Duryodhana makes a plan to captivate Krishna. Before he leaves, Krishna tells Karna that he will be loyal to him and then tried to convince him to abandon Duryodhana. Karna says a hard "no" and promises Kunti that Arjuna will be attacked in the upcoming battle and the other four sons will remain untouched. The war happens and the Arjuna is upset he will have to combat his guru Drona and his own family as well. Krishna knows this and sings "Song of the Lord" to him. Arjuna is now ready for war. Dhrishtadyumna attempts to murder Drona because of his dad's humiliation but Drone doesn't allow this to take place. Bhishma is wounded. More revenge. Karna now goes in to fight. Abhimanyu, Jayadratha and Arjuna all have a showdown. The goal is to kill Ghatokacha. Drona is murdered by Dhrishtadyumna. So much death takes place and wounds abound. After the battle, the Pandavas return to Hastinpura. Yudhishthira becomes king. Krishna is killed while sleeping by the river. All the Pandavas die also. Arjuna's grand son grows up to be king of Hastinapura and the Pandava line lives on.

Duryodhana-the eldest of the Kauravas
Dhritarashtra-King of Hastinapura, not easily persuaded
Bhishma and Vidura
Ulupi-the naga princess who marries Arjuna
Yudhishthira-new king of Indraprastha
Maya-great ancient king of the asura, daitya and rākṣasa race
Shakuni-Duryodhana's maternal uncle 
Bhima-the second of the Pandavas
Urvashi-an apsara who falls in love with Arjuna

Nakula-the fourth of the five Pandava brothers 
Yama--the god of death and of Dharma
King Virata-king of Virata Kingdom
Draupadi--hairdresser of Queen Sudeshna
Kichaka-Queen Sudeshna's brother

Camp near the Pandavas
Forest near the lake
Virata Kingdom


R. K. Narayan, The Mahabharata, Page 85-131, Reading Guide

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