Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Reading Notes: Narayan Ramayana, Part A

Reading Notes: Narayan Ramayana, Part A (Focusing on plot, character and setting)

Ravana fights Jatayu

Ravana abducts Sita suddenly as she is walking to and from. Ravana comes to Sita when she is alone walking and is disguised as an old hermit, ready to reveal his true identity when the time comes. the time then comes, and Ravana reveals who he truly is. Being the antagonist Ravana is, Sita then is picked up from the ground under her and Ravana takes her away, ever so tragically. Jatuyu then tries to save Sita but is killed by Ravana. Rama and Lakshmana come just in time to see Jatuyu being killed and dying. Jatuyu is on the verge of muttering words, perhaps words of wisdom or of love for them. But his last breath takes away any hope of knowing what he must of been thinking or wanting to say. Rama and Lakshmana begin heading over to monkey kingdom of Kishkinda, south of their current location where Jatuyu passed away. The evil monkey Hanuman is overwhelmed and angered at their presence there. He too waits for the perfect time to appear to them as they approach the wall. He jumps out, as a scholar, dressed to impress them with all his knowledge and discernment. Rama, being very good at seeing through disguises, realizes this is indeed a disguise and refuses to go ahead. Hanuman, being ever so loyal and honoring to Sugriva, allows them to pass by because of the connection and mutual ally. 


Ravana- primary antagonist in the ancient Hindu epic Ramayana (sneaky)
Sita-consort of Lord Rama (afraid)
Jatuyu- youngest son of Aruna (brave)
Lakshmana: younger brother of Rama (helpful)
Hanuman: monkey (mischievous)
Sugriva: brother of Vali, king of Kishkinda


-Monkey Kingdom of Kishkinda
-the forest
-deserted underground kingdom


Gibbs, L. (1970, January 01). Indian Epics: Readings and Resources. Retrieved February 07, 2018, from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marla, I am not sure what happened here, but this is not Part A of the Ramayana. If you have not read Part A, you definitely need to read that first; otherwise, the characters will not make sense. Start at the beginning; the beginning is King Dasharatha and the birth of his four sons.
