Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 8 Progress

Week 8 Progress

A precious puppy of an OU student I met on campus last semester
Personal Photo
I feel like my progress has been slow coming. Like I spoke of in my last post, I feel like I genuinely have a passion for writing but struggle with technology. I am a grandma when it comes to anything with computers besides communication. I could definitely use some help navigating webpages and creating websites/webpages and organizing them in such a way that meets the criteria for the class. If anyone has any tips that would be incredible! 

Other than that, I feel like it has been incredibly rewarding getting to learn about Indian Epics and the culture of India. I took this class because I feel called to go to India next year when our pastor leaves to go plant a church in his home village. I am excited to take what I learn when I go to India!

I am hopeful about more progress that will be made! 

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