Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Reading Notes: The Quarrel of the Quails, Reading Part A

Reading Notes: The Quarrel of the Quails, Reading Part A

Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
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Plot: Quails lived in a forest and they had a wise leader. A man lived with them there and actually his vocation was to catch quail and sell them. He would find them by hearing the leader's voice. So he mimicked the leader's voice and the quails would be tricked into believing their leader was calling them. He would throw and net and catch them and sell them. The wise leader eventually caught on to this. He told the quails they must end this. He said for the next time the fowler tries to cast a net that each of them must put their heads through the holes in the net so they collectively can fly away to the nearest thorn-bush. Then they can be free. The quails said "sweet let's do it". The next day, they did this and told the leaders. The next day and the next day it kept happening. The wife of the man was angry because there was no money coming in. He explained that the quails are no longer quarreling so he's no longer able to capture them. Soon enough, one quail demanded to know who bumped his head. It broke out in anger. So the fowler took advantage and said for the quails to lift their nets. So he caught them all because they were not unified in agreement.

The Forest

The Wise Leader
Man (the fowler)

Bibliography: Jataka Tales, Ellen C. Babbitt, The Quarrel of the Quails, Reading Part A

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